A dynamic systems approach to training and rehabilitation of overhead sports
English below

aan de bovenste extremiteit;
sportgerelateerd letsel aan de bovenste extremiteit te geven;
Kennis en vaardigheid
uit te sluiten;
van letsel en herstel van letsel;
verbetering bij bovenhandse sporters;
een dynamische systeembenadering;
Tijdstip | Onderdeel | Leerdoel: na het volgen van deze cursus: |
Ochtend dag 1 | Theorie Praktijk |
- Heb je kennis van factoren die sportspecifieke aandoeningen in de bovenste extremiteit beïnvloeden; - Kun je de anatomische en biomechanische factoren binnen de bovenste extremiteit toelichten in het ontstaan van letsel en herstel van letsel; - Kun je een diagnostische aanpak beredeneren en demonstreren om sportspecifiek letsel aan te tonen dan wel uit te sluiten; - Bewegingsanalyse, zoektocht naar attractoren |
Middag dag 1 | Praktijk | - Bewegingsanalyse, zoektocht naar attractoren |
Ochtend dag 2 | Theorie Praktijk |
- Heb je kennis van de specifieke attractoren in verschillende bovenhandse sporten; - Kun je op verschillende manieren een analyse maken van pijn en beweeggedrag; - Bewegingsanalyse, het beïnvloeden van attractoren |
Middag dag 2 | Prakijk | - Kun je bij gegeven casuÏstiek met klinisch redeneren het diagnostisch en therapeutisch proces toelichten en demonsteren; - Kun je bij zelf ingebrachte casuÏstiek je keuzes in diagnostiek en behandelen toelichten en demonstreren. |
Wieger Heijenk and Martin Nijhoff bring you a course on the dynamic systems approach towards Strength Training for overhands sports. This course will show that also in the early stages of rehabilitation after injury a dynamic systems approach offers many advantages in coming to a high level of overhand movement. During the course divers hit and throw related sports will pass. There will be enough space for your own cases. In the preparation of the course there will be a small part of repetition of the basis Strength Training.
Sports Trainers and Sports Physiotherapists
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Skill
with overhand sports;
- Can you vary your approach in intensity and duration on the basis of movement analysis;
performance improvement.
Study load
This course consists of three parts. An online preparation that takes about 4 hours and consists of listening to and viewing presentations and articles and preparing a case. In addition, there are 2 course days in which the focus is mainly on clinical reasoning and making a training plan. First more generally, later specifically on the basis of casuistry. Preparation 4 hours, contact hours 14, total 18 study load hours.
Time | Component | Learning Outcome: after following this course |
Morning day 1 | Theory Practical |
- Do you have knowledge of factors affecting sport-specific disorders in the upper extremity; - Can you explain the anatomical and biomechanical factors within the upper extremity who affect the origin of injury and recovery from injury; - Can you reason and demonstrate a diagnostic approach to confirm or rule out sport-specific injuries; - Motion analysis, search for attractors |
Afternoon day 1 | Practical | - Motion analysis, search for attractors |
Morning day 2 | Theory Practical |
- Do you have knowledge of the specific attractors in different overhand overhand sports; - Can you make an analysis in different ways of pain and movement behavior in the upper extremity; - Motion analysis, influencing attractors |
Afternoon day 2 | Practical | - Can you use clinical reasoning to diagnose the given case histories and demonstrate a therapeutic process; - Are you able to explain and demonstrate your own choices in diagnosis and treatment in the case of self-administered case studies? |
Friday and Saturday 7 and 8 February 2025
9.30 am - 17.00 pm
Martijn Nijhoff, Performance Trainer Pittsburgh Pirates
Wieger Hijenk, Physiotherapist Private Practice Zeewolde, specialized in complex shoulder problems. Consultant Physiotherapist in Bergman Clinics Naarden working with Dr. M. van der List.

€ 640,00, Lunch and acces to Digital platform included.
Min 12 max 24
Language: Dutch, English when required
Hogeschool THIM,
Archimedesbaan 2, Nieuwegein the Netherlands
15 punten voor registers AF en sport en Keurmerk
evenement eigenschappen
Startdatum | 07-02-2025 |
Einddatum | 08-02-2025 |
Sluitingsdatum | 07-02-2025 |
Prijs per persoon | € 640,00 |